Tuesday 29 December 2009

46.Wishes school wouldn't aproach so quickly

So it feels like I haven't posted in ages,when its only been 3/4 days! I haven't got any excuses for my absence,other than being lazy,sleeping in and generally relaxing(no family get togethers or anything to keep me busy);guess thats what holidays are for!Though I did go into town with Charlotte....we were trying to hit the after christmas sales with our gift vouchers,but unfortunatley there wasn't many bargains to be found.I do have many funny anecdotes from the day but there the types of stories that would only be funny for the individuals involved.Lets just say we discovered a new place to get lost in,encountered some pigeons,found a living statue and learnt how to crack the code lock on a briefcase.I did buy a couple of things though......

This ring was reduced from £6 to £3 in Topshop.I'm not a ring person,but I thought this one was kind of cool.....and obviously brings out my nutty side(as you can see in the photos!)

I already had two of the books in the series,but I bought the third one(pink-Cathy's Ring).I know the covers look a little naff,but inside the books are filled with awesome doodles,and I find them a very easy,enjoyable and witty read.So maybe you should check them out,I reccomend the series!Maybe this will give you abit of a taste for what the books are like(its not the best trailer,I don't think it does the books much justice)......

And finally the other day I made this cover for my art folder...which didn't really turn out how I imagined,but I still like it.

Well that was quite a random bumper post with nothing fashion-ey in it.Sorry guys!
S x


  1. Great ring..I love these pics! Awesome art folder too!

  2. Great art folder- looks very individual! And I like your style of drawing..
    I am definitely a ring person, I have a large collection fromvarious family members! Thats a pretty one.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.


  3. oh, wow love the folder thing, did you do those writing inky thing on it, because it's ubber cool ^^.
    I like that video too, this music is quite melodic.
    et toi?

  4. oh, and also pretty picture you drew, I bet it will look even better than the photo you took^^
    et toi?

  5. thanks for commenting!
    i love the ring you bought veryy pretty
    and i love the cathy books!! i read all of them they are sooo good!!
    great drawings


Thank you! My eyes are wide open.
I'll try to reply to you ^.^